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Table Tennis

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About Table Tennis

The sport Table Tennis which is also called “Ping Pong” is a ball sport which is played on similar principle as of lawn tennis. The sport is played usually inside and on a flat table which is divided in half so that each side gets an even proportion of surface area. The table is 'halved' in two by fixing a net across the middle of the table which acts as a barrier just like the large ones in lawn tennis.
The aim of the game is hit the hallow ball (Also known as Ping Pong ball) and have it pass over the net. The serving player hits the ball with a padded bat (handheld size). The ball needs to bounce at least once in the players area and then once on the opponents area before either being missed by the opponents bat or by falling to the ground. This is a point scored.
The other player needs to hit the ball back to prevent losing. This usually means that the hallow ball is hit back and forth across the tables until one opponent misses the ball or the ball hits the ground. Players can also lose by hitting the net or by failing to hit the table with the ball.
Table tennis is a fun sport to play with family, friends and can be played in tournaments. Anyone can learn and play table tennis and has a very low risk for injuries in comparison to other sports and games. This means that a large range of ages can play without too much worry for injuries.

About Table Tennis

This sport has factors which can improve the overall health of an individual. Just like other sport, table tennis offers great mind-body stimulation, exercise ​and gives a chance to be socially active. Below are the benefits of the sport:


  • Improves hand-eye coordination: The intensity of the game helps in developing metal alertness, concentration and mental acuity

  • Improves responses: Since the sport is fast-paced and short-distanced there is involvement of muscles and their movements are improved

  • Easy going on the joints: The sport is perfect for people which history of knee surgery, back problems and who can twist their ankle easily while playing other sports

  • Helps in burning calories: The sport helps in burning calories equivalent to a workout at the gym

  • Improves social interaction: In the world of technology, there is lack of social interaction and it is one of the major components for better health. Hence, the sport helps in interacting with people during the game

  • Sharpens the brain: The sport requires co-ordination and focus which involves the brain to help in coordinating with hand muscles to best play it. Hence, the brain becomes sharper with continuing the sport

  • Treats dementia: The sport was made to play by a set of patients and observed that their mental alertness improved to a considerable range

  • Balance is improved: The sport requires constant changing of positions and being able to quickly do the same makes the player succeed in the game. The more practice of the game improves the body balance

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